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Blog de yjn91112

12 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
said, taking a bow from. "Also make sense to send a report to go out?"Reina asked. "I think that only Kelly Gan to psychic miles, did notexpect you can guess my thoughts. Yes, useless reports. Uh, but oldhabits are hard to overcome through!. I often dream, many years, it wasfound out that my report to understand the human sacrifice during thistime, but also to understand the time to make all human folly. " Reynasat on a chair across from Mike, "is unlikely to it, like Meng Sikesaid, heroes,... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91112 a las 03:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
12 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
Sike said, "Duke, you are a Guanggansiling, and I can in my cabinet togive you a job. And certainly would not like the pre-war Federation asa remote your stuffed Garak to idle. " "Uh, I do not understand ......" Duke said. Mike notes that this war maniacs hesitated. ObviouslyMeng Sike has steadily grip his heart in his hand. Poor Duke, has beenbiting the bait that they do not know. "I'm not a patient person, Duke,fast one's mind it." Meng Sike said. Not far from anything outside thespacecraft... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91112 a las 03:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
12 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
communications systems Command Module to the Taiwan side, enter thebase in contact with the Meng Sike password. "What are you doing?" Dukeshouted Road. "Our sponsors want to talk to you." Mike said, "Oh,sponsors, feel my life has never said the word eight. In addition,there must have a smoke with which body?" The main screen, Meng Sikeimage gradually clear. Meng Sike, Mike thought, when we are allfighting and bloodshed, he was safely hidden in a secret protectivefortress. Contrary to Mike's... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91112 a las 03:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
12 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
temporary illusion, followed by a wave of power will once again hit agreater raging tide. Mike mind clear, Antioch finished the main star,and has finished in the same Qieaosala and Marsala. Saeger family beingon this planet four holes and eventually whether they succeed orProtoss tribe come pick up the pieces from the space launch fireworksdestroy them, in short, the main stars certainly finished啦Antioch.Saeger family line of defense persist for a while, finally opened agap. Meng Sike... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91112 a las 03:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
12 de Noviembre, 2009 · General
troops on the ground, there is Antioch of the rebel army; a "Ke Ha Son"members; there are those who abandoned their loyalty to the Federation,thus not being hand over their guns to the federal army defectors.Reyna, a movement from the left suspension condor motorcycle, flyingup, when they head a team of A-17 fighter ghost moving rapidly toscratched Atrium. Huge Goliath giant robots take significant steps,through the flood low-lying, in the ooze on the ground leaving a deepfootprints. They soon... Continuar leyendo
publicado por yjn91112 a las 03:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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